How to dress like Sherlock

Winter Wool Coat

Winter Wool Coat

“You look taller in your photographs Mr. Holmes.”

“Yes, I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend”

You may not admire Sherlock’s sociopathic personality, but you can’t say the same for his style. The distinctive wardrobe of the “consulting detective” has become an iconic look that is much sought after. The key features of Sherlock’s look consists of well fitting shirts and trousers, the blue scarf and of course the Sherlock Holmes coat. The attire itself is very appropriate for everyday wear, especially in London where the show is situated. And the great thing about London is that you can immediately differentiate between a local and a tourist. There’s this innate sense of style that Londoners posses, which is smart and modish while still being a little sketchy.

British fashion has always been acclaimed for its “fearlessness” and Brits are famed for their individual sense of style. Often described as having a “thrown-on” feel to what they wear. They mix prints, patterns and styles and many people pull this off effortlessly. The key to British style is never looking too polished. Also, as Emma Watson said in an interview,”We’re governed by the weather in this country”.

London has notoriously fickle, at times, inclement weather. King George infamously referred to the English summer as “three fine days and a thunderstorm.” London weather can shift dramatically a few times in a day. The weather in Britain is rather changeable and unpredictable, but rarely suffers from extremes of heat or cold. The average daily temperature in winter is about 4° C (39°F), and in summer 18°C (64°F). It can get quite cold and windy in winter, but summers can be warm and sunny, although it may rain at any time of the year. As such, you are going to need a variety of clothing options to accommodate whatever climate you find yourself in. Thus having neutral clothes that can be easily layered is an absolute must. Along with an umbrella, which is something that you can actually pick up in any shop on the streets for rather cheap; as the need for this commodity is high throughout the year. That is also the inspiration for Sherlock’s wardrobe and that of the rest of the cast as well. The cast’s costume features trousers and formal shirts layered with vests, sweaters and long coats.

Sherlock’s wardrobe in particular however, consists of tailored trousers, shirts and blazers. For layering and accessories, he uses a dark purple scarf, black gloves and, rather reluctantly, the deerstalker hat. He is also seen donning vests at times, but only when the occasion calls for it (John and Mary’s wedding).For leisure time or lounging around the house, Sherlock prefers to wear a striped silk robe over his clothes, may it be pyjamas or pants. And of course there is the coat, the coat which Sherlock never leaves home without, and which is as much a part of his identity as his curly dark hair. The main attributes of the coat being its length,  reaching below the knees, a collar (which is often upturned by Sherlock to lend a mystery vibe) and a broad lapel. The coat is fastened with six leather buttons, three on each parallel side, and one each on the cuff. There is also a belt, which is only at the back of the coat and is also enhanced with two leather buttons on either ends. The coat is rather large and has pleats on the back to increase the volume. This style makes the coat look very elegant while walking as the bottom part sort of…flies.

Sherlock Wool Coat Look

(Source: cumbermelikecrazy.tumblr)  

Apart from Sherlock, the show has many other interesting characters. First, who comes in mind is Sherlock’s best friend, John Watson. John is the friendly, likeable friend of Sherlock who helps him function on a day to day basis. John’s clothes usually consist of a thick knit sweater or a pullover, in a solid shade or in a fun pattern. The look is layered with basic pants, collared shirts and a jacket. The rest of the cast is seen in a similar attire, with the men wearing formals which include trousers, shirt and blazers with a coat. The woman wear slightly brightly coloured and patterned sweaters with dresses (in case of Mrs. Hudson) and jeans (in case of Molly).

Thus, we observe that the show features a very practical and real wardrobe for all its characters, which is not difficult to recreate. We see little items which the actors have immersed in to portray their characters. So much so that, a fan of the series will be able to identify the person just on the basis of their clothing. So go ahead, get SHERLOCKED!

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